Aandeelhoudersvergaderingen / Shareholder Meetings

Algemene vergaderingen van aandeelhouders van 23 april 2024

Oproeping Download pdf
Aantal aandelen Download pdf
Toelichtende Nota Download pdf


General shareholders meetings of 23 April 2024

Convening Notice Download pdf
Number of Shares Download pdf
Explanatory Note Download pdf


Gewone jaarlijkse algemene vergadering van 23 april 2024

Notulen van de gewone algemene vergadering – Minutes of the ordinary shareholders meeting (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Formulier stem per volmacht Download pdf
Formulier stem per brief Download pdf
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2023 Download pdf
Verslag van de commissaris over de enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2023 Download pdf
Geconsolideerd jaarverslag van de Raad van Bestuur Download pdf


Ordinary annual meeting of 23 April 2024

Notice of Registration Download pdf
Form vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Form vote by letter Download pdf
Statutory annual accounts 2023 (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Report of the auditor on the statutory accounts 2023 Download pdf
The consolidated annual report of the board of directors Download pdf


Buitengewone algemene vergadering van 23 april 2024

Notulen van de buitengewone algemene vergadering - Minutes of the extraordinary shareholders meeting (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Formulier stem per volmacht Download pdf
Formulier stem per brief Download pdf
Het bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur conform artikel 7:199 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen inzake het toegestane kapitaal Download pdf
Het bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur conform artikel 7:179, 7:180 en 7:191 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen en verenigingen in verband met het nieuwe lange termijn incentiveringsplan van de Vennootschap (ESOP V-Plan) Download pdf
Het bijzonder verslag van de commissaris conform artikel 7:179, 7:180 en 7:191 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen en verenigingen in verband met het nieuwe lange termijn incentiveringsplan van de Vennootschap (ESOP V-Plan) Download pdf


Extraordinary shareholders meeting of 23 April 2024 

Notice of Registration Download pdf
Form vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Form vote by letter Download pdf
The special report of the board of directors in accordance with article 7:199 of the Belgian code on companies and associations in respect of the authorised capital Download pdf
The special report of the board of directors in accordance with article 7:179; 7:180 and 7:191 of the Belgian code on companies and associations related to the new long term incentive plan of the Company (ESOP V-Plan) Download pdf


Bijzondere algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders van 29 maart 2024

Notulen van de bijzondere algemene vergadering – Minutes of the special shareholders meeting (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Oproeping Download pdf
Toelichtende nota Download pdf
Aantal aandelen en stemrechten Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Formuler stemmen per volmacht Download pdf
Formulier stemmen per brief Download pdf
Bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur artikel 7:288 WVV Download pdf


Special general shareholders meeting of 29 March 2024

Convocation Download pdf
Explanatory note Download pdf
Number of shares and voting rights Download pdf
Notice of registration Download pdf
Form vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Form vote by letter Download pdf
Special Report of the Board article 7:228 BCCA Download pdf


Bijzondere algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders van 21 augustus 2023

Notulen – Minutes Download pdf
Oproeping Download pdf
Toelichtende nota Download pdf
Aantal aandelen en stemrechten Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Formuler stemmen per volmacht Download pdf
Formulier stemmen per brief Download pdf


Special general shareholders meeting of 21 August 2023

Convening notice Download pdf
Explanatory note Download pdf
Number of shares and voting rights Download pdf
Notice of registration Download pdf
Form vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Form vote by letter Download pdf


Algemene vergaderingen van aandeelhouders van 25 april 2023

Notulen GAV - Minutes AGM Download pdf
Oproeping Download pdf
Toelichtende nota Download pdf
Aantal aandelen en stemrechten Download pdf
Jaarverslagen van de Raad van Bestuur over het boekjaar 2022 Download pdf
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2022 Download pdf
Verslag van de commissaris bij de enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2022 Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Stemmen per volmacht Download pdf
Stemmen per brief Download pdf


General shareholders meetings of 25 April 2023

Convening Notice Download pdf
Explanatory note Download pdf
Number of shares and voting rights Download pdf
Annual reports of the Board of Directors in respect of the accounting year 2022 Download pdf
Statutory accounts 2022 Download pdf
Report of the auditor on the statutory accounts 2022 Download pdf
Notice of registration Download pdf
Vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Vote by letter Download pdf


Buitengewone algemene vergadering 25 april 2023

Notulen BAV - Minutes EGM Download pdf
Bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur in overeenstemming met artikel 7:199 WVV over het toegestane kapitaal/ Download pdf
Bericht van registratie Download pdf
Stemmen per volmacht Download pdf
Stemmen per brief Download pdf


Extra-ordinary general meeting of 25 April 2023 

Special Report of the Board of directors in accordance with article 7:199 BCCA in respect of the authorised capital Download pdf
Notice of registration Download pdf
Vote by power of attorney Download pdf
Vote by letter Download pdf


Buitengewone algemene vergadering van 27 december 2022

Notulen BAV – Minutes EGM (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Stemmen per volmacht (NL) Download pdf
Bericht van registratie (NL) Download pdf
Aantal aandelen en stemrechten (NL) Download pdf
Bijzondere verslag van de raad van bestuur conform artikel 7:228 WVV (NL) Download pdf
Toelichtende nota (NL) Download pdf
Oproeping (NL) Download pdf
Stemmen per brief (NL) Download pdf


Extraordinary general meeting of 27 December 2022

Vote by power of attorney (EN) Download pdf
Notice of registration (EN) Download pdf
Number of shares and voting rights (EN) Download pdf
Special report of the board of directors conform artikel 7:228 (EN) Download pdf
Explanatory note (EN) Download pdf
Convening Notice (EN) Download pdf
Vote by letter (EN) Download pdf


Biotalys’ annual shareholder meeting and extraordinary shareholders meeting will be held on Friday 15 April 2022. 

Explanatory note (EN) Download pdf
Convening Notice (EN) Download pdf
Toelichtende nota (NL) Download pdf
Oproeping (NL) Download pdf

Gewone Jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering/Ordinary Annual General Meeting

Notulen GAV – Minutes AGM (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Notice of registration (EN) Download pdf
Vote by power of attorney (EN) Download pdf
Vote by letter (EN) Download pdf
Bericht van registratie (NL) Download pdf
Stemmen per volmacht (NL) Download pdf
Stemmen per brief (NL) Download pdf

Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering/Extra-ordinary General Meeting

Notulen BAV – Minutes EGM (only in Dutch) Download pdf
Vote by letter (EN) Download pdf
Vote by power of attorney (EN) Download pdf
Notice of registration (EN) Download pdf
Stemmen per brief (NL) Download pdf
Stemmen per volmacht (NL) Download pdf
Bericht van registratie (NL) Download pdf
Verslag van de revisor bij het bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur betreffende de kapitaalverhoging van 12 juni 2023 / Report of the auditor on the special report of the Board of Directors on the capital increase of 12 June 2023 Download pdf
Bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur betreffende de kapitaalverhoging van 12 juni 2023 / Special report of the Board of Directors on the capital increase of 12 June 2023 Download pdf
Verslag van de commissaris bij de enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2021 / Report of the auditor on the statutory accounts (NL) Download pdf
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening 2021 / Statutory accounts 2021 (NL) Download pdf

Major Shareholders

Biotalys’ shareholding consists of institutional and retail investors, both international and local. Based on the most recent number of shares and transparency notifications, the shareholder structure is as follows:

Pie chart Biotalys


  • Gimv: Gimv NV, Adviesbeheer Gimv Venture Capital 2010 NV and Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen NV
  • Sofinnova: Sofinnova Partners S.A.S.
  • PMV: ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen NV (PMV NV). PMV NV holds 100% of the shares in Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen NV which on its turn holds 8,09 % of the shares in Biotalys. This participation however is managed by Gimv NV.
  • AIF: Agri Investment Fund BV
  • AvH: Ackermans & van Haaren NV
  • Madeli: Madeli Participaties BV
  • K&E: K&E BV


Information on Transparency Notifications

The Belgian Act of 2 May 2007 provides for shareholders notification thresholds of 5% or a multiple of 5% (i.e. 10%, 15%, 20%, etc.) of the total number of existing voting rights. The notification forms can be downloaded from the website of the FSMA. Completed and signed forms should be sent to IR@biotalys.com.


Shareholder Date of notification Document
Transparantiekennisgeving Biovest en RMM Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving Biovest Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving Gimv - AGVC - Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving PMV Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving Madeli Participaties BV Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving Sofinnova Partners S.A.S. Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving AvH Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving K&E Download pdf
Transparantiekennisgeving Agri Investment Fund Download pdf

Notification of Home Member State

Standard form for the notification of Home Member State