EVOCA™’s mode of action is preventative by contact to control efficiently botrytis and powdery mildew diseases. EVOCA™ interacts with multiple lipids in the cell membrane, disrupting the integrity of cell membrane structures of plant pathogens, interfering with spore germination and hyphae growth, and resulting in cell death.
The active substance is a polypeptide, produced by bio-fermentation. The Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) has assigned a new class F10 for the active substance of EVOCA™.
Data requirements to support FRAC designation
EVOCA™*: intrinsic activity 100% attributed to a single, well characterised active ingredient
Unique type and origin of Active Ingredient (A.I.)
- The A.I. is a polypeptide, produced by bio-fermentation
- Blueprint of the small, functional fragment of naturally occurring antibodies
- Targets Botrytis spp. and powdery mildew in fruit and vegetable crops
Mode of action, resistance and fungicidal cross-resistance
- Well characterised MoA: the A.I. interacts with multiple lipids in the cell membrane, impacting the integrity of the fungal cell membrane - It influences spore germination and hyphae growth, and results in cell death.
- No cross-resistance to registered fungicides - studies showed inhibition of germination and mycelial growth of six single and multi-resistant Botrytis cinerea isolates.
- Risk of resistance development is unknown but assumed to be low based on the multiple effects on cell membrane integrity resulting in inhibition of spore germination and growth.
Active ingredient
with novel properties
The active ingredient is a polypeptide
- The blueprint of the functional fragment derived from naturally occurring antibodies, resulting from a natural immune response.
Produced by bio-fermentation
- The polypeptide is not a plant extract, nor chemically synthesized but produced by a fully controlled and validated bio-fermentation process in yeast strains, recognized as safe (GRAS/QPS* status)
- The polypeptide is recovered from the fermentation broth through filtration and concentration.
- The resulting technical grade active ingredient is formulated into the end-use plant protection product using OMRI-NOP listed co-formulants.
* QPS: Qualified Presumption of Safety (EU - EFSA) GRAS: Generally Recognized as Safe (US - FDA)
Analytical methods developed
- Characterization of the single active ingredient
- Full monitoring of manufacturing process
- Product characterization and quality control throughout life cycle